Saturday, October 3, 2009

Where did the summer go?

I can't believe that it is already fall! AND I can't believe it snowed the other day!

I haven't updated my blog in a while (thanks for busting my chops Courtney) so I'm gettin it done. Steve and I made it through our first year of marriage (phew! that was exhausting! jk) and celebrated our anniversary along with ny Dad's 50th birthday on September 19th.

We had a lot of birthdays and family parties this summer and you know me and my constant companion-my camera... so here is a summary of what happened this spring/summer:

Avery (my niece) got her first haircut in August!

We went to the Haacke family reunion in July and got our swim on!

This was in July I believe and I couldn't help but get this picture of 3 of our

little sweetheart nephews!

I love Jesse and Jorja (Another newphew and niece) They love each other so much and I'm glad

I caught them cuddling on grandma's porch swing so I could take

this picure and put it on my fridge!

I know it's hard to believe that I got Steve to smile for another set

of engagement-like photos, but it was for his mom's birthday and

he knows how happy pictures of her kids mean to his mom!

My cute family at my Dad's 50th Birthday!

Little Deven turned ONE on September 14th

About half my cousins at m Dad's 50th Birthday party

My cousin Courtney married the love of her life -jeff- in June!

They are expecting a baby boy (cash) in November!

This picture is a little dark, but it is Courtney at her Bridal shower

Looks like an embarassing gift!

Our trip to Disney land in March

Avery and I at the Zoo in March. I think we measure up!